May 22, 2015
The Innumerable Anxieties – Lawrence Art Center
May 21, 2015

XX Invitational Exhibition Series

The XX* exhibitions are hosted by Fisch Haus, an artist-run grassroots art organization in Wichita, KS. s p l i c e . ART has designed and produced all seven exhibitions in the series, offering the following services:

• Artist liaison and coordination
• Contract management
• Marketing and promotion
• Website creation and development
• Curation
• Artwork layout
• Lighting design
• Tag and checklist design
• Vinyl and other text generation
• All installation services, from shipping coordination to artwork hanging
• Multi-media (video, sound, light) artwork production and installation
• Staff supervision
• Sales
• Catalogue design and production
• Documentation, via photography and video

* XX is a bi-annual invitational exhibition series that features five different female artists each year; every new group of participants being chosen by the previous five. This “tag” structure should, through its natural progression, offer the Wichita community an expansive range of work, both geographically and stylistically. There is no set criteria for acceptable medium or genre, as long as the work is unique and exceptional. The intention of this exhibition is not to focus simply on art made by women (just as a show featuring only male artists isn’t presented as a “men’s show”); rather, to highlight the work of five extraordinary artists that happen to be women.

Date: various events, 2000-2015
Client: Fisch Bowl, Inc.